King of Prussia

Frederick William was born in Potsdam on August 3rd, 1770, the son of King Frederick William II and Frederica Louisa of Hesse-Darmstadt.
He married in 1793 Louisa von Mecklemburg-Strelitz (with whom he had nine children) then, in 1824, Augusta von Harrach.
He became King of Prussia on November 16th, 1797.
He passed away in Berlin on June 7th, 1840. His eldest son succeeded him as Frederick William IV.
"Frederick William III, King of Prussia" by François Pascal Simon Gérard (Rome 1770 - Paris 1837).

Ludwig van Beethoven dedicated to him his ninth symphony in 1826.
Other portraits

"Friedrich Wilhelm III.". Full-length portrait painted in 1829 by Ernst Paul Gebauer (Lietzen 1782 - Berlin 1865).

"Frederick William III, King of Prussia". Thumbnail by Jean-Baptiste Isabey (Nancy 1767 - Paris 1855).